Apple changed the way a layman viewed AI when the brand announced its first-ever Mixed Reality Headset, Apple Vision Pro in 2023. It is a standalone device that features its processors and does not need to be connected to an iPhone or a Mac to work. However, Vision Pro can work with other Apple devices. It can serve as a display for Apple Mac Devices. Mac Virtual Display allows you to view the Mac Screen on Apple Vision Pro and use the Mac trackpad as a pointer. In this story, we will try to find out how this can be done.
Requirements to use Vision Pro as a Mac Display
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Mac Virtual Display can be used with any Mac that runs macOS 14 Sonoma or later OS. Just make sure to fulfill the following conditions-
You will have to make sure that both devices are signed in with the same Apple ID and the account has two-factor authentication switched on.
iCloud Keychain has to be turned on both devices. To do so on the Mac, go to System Settings > [Your Name] > iCloud> Passwords and Keychain, and then switch on Sync this Mac. On Vision Pro, go to Settings > [Your Name]> iCloud> Passwords & Keychain, and then turn on sync this Apple Vision Pro.
Both devices should have WiFi turned on and Bluetooth also enabled.
The devices should be within 30 feet of each other and neither of them should be sharing its internet connection.
To share the pointer between the two, Handoff must be turned on both devices.
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How to Start a Mac Virtual Display Session
(A) on Your Mac Laptop
Ensure that your Mac laptop is open and the display is active.
Wear Apple Vision Pro and while wearing look at the Mac laptop.
Tap on the ‘Connect’ button prompt that will appear in your line of view above the Mac laptop.
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(B) On Your Mac Desktop Computer
While wearing Vision Pro, open Control Center and tap , then tap , and finally choose your Mac.
The user can also change the size of the Mac screen and move it away or towards themselves. It is just like an app window in visionOS.
When connected, you can use your trackpad with a Mac and then move the pointer past the edge of the Mac screen. This has to be done till it appears in an Open visionOS app. Gestures can also be used on visionOS apps.
When you want to disconnect, click on the ‘x’ button.
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