Microsoft Build Monday announced the new Surface Pro 11 with Copilot+ featuring advanced AI capabilities. You can now preorder these new Snapdragon X Series-charged devices at Best Buy or directly from Microsoft. Pricing for the Surface Pro 11 with Snapdragon X Plus CPU starts at $999 whereas the Surface Pro 11 OLED with Snapdragon X Elite CPU starts at $1,499. With ambitions of being one of the best 2-in-1 devices for on-the-go productivity, the Surface Pro 11 may be paired with an optional keyboard (sold separately). While we haven’t tested it, on paper, the Surface Pro 11 packs impressive specs. The base model features a 13-inch (2880 x 1920) 120Hz PixelSense LED display, Snapdragon X Plus CPU, 16GB RAM, and Qualcomm Adreno GPU. 256GB SSD, and Windows 11 Home. Built for business and productivity, the Surface Pro 11 is powerful enough to replace your laptop. Copilot+ AI delivers faster response time and enhanced security over previous-gen Surface Pro tablets. If you’re on the hunt for a versatile, portable device for computing on the go, the Surface Pro 11 might be right for you. Surface Pro 11 preorders ship to arrive by its June 18 release date. Preorder Surface Pro 11Preorder Surface Pro 11Today’s best Surface Pro dealsGet our in-depth reviews, helpful tips, great deals, and the biggest news stories delivered to your inbox.
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