Popular social platform Snapchat has released a new AR Pichkari lens to celebrate the Indian festival of colors, Holi. The lens utilized augmented reality to overlay splashes of bright colors on users’ faces. Per the official release, the lens has over one lakh exciting colors for playing digital Holi with friends. “This unique lens offers Indian Snapchatters an exceptionally vibrant way of marking their contemporary celebrations in zest.”
How To Use Snapchat’s AR Pichkari Lens?
To use the AR Pichkari lens, users should open the Snapchat app on their Android or iOS devices.
Then, they should search for the “AR Pichkari by Ronin Labs” lens on Snapchat’s camera tab.
If users can’t find the lens in the search section, they should scan the Snapcode attached above.
Once users open the lens, they should tap on the screen once to begin the countdown, after which the on-screen animation begins.
Users can then press and hold the camera button to start recording a video snap or simply hit the button once to click a photo.
As the colored water flows out of the on-screen bucket to users’ faces, they can change the direction of the flow by moving their camera in different directions. “Control the direction of water by moving your camera to take aim and drench your targets in gram in a splash of vibrant colors,” the release mentions.
At the same time, users can change the colors by tapping on the color bar at the left of the screen.
At the end, a joyful “Holi Hai!” message appears on the screen.
Once the recording is done, users can share it with their friends or export the recording to their phone’s gallery for sharing via another app.
Moreover, the AR Pichkari lens is a good way to engage with friends and family on the ocassion of Holi.
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