Many iPhone users around the world got a surprise from Apple recently. In a security move, Apple sent out warnings to users in a whopping 98 countries! This is the second time this year Apple has done this, with a similar alert going out to users in 92 countries back in April. Since 2021, Apple has been on high alert, sending out these warnings in over 150 countries.
Apple Ups the Fight Against Spyware with Global Alerts
The messages themselves didn’t say exactly who was behind the attacks, or where the targeted users were located. But the message was clear: watch out! “We believe you might be under attack from special software that can take control of your iPhone remotely,” Apple said in the warning. “This attack is likely aimed at you because of your work or who you are. While we can’t be 100% sure, we’re very confident in this warning. Please take it seriously.”
Gizchina News of the week
People in India were among those who got these messages. This isn’t the first time Apple has warned users in India. Back in October, they sent out similar warnings to journalists and important government officials. Later, a human rights group called Amnesty International found something scary. A well-known type of spyware called Pegasus, made by a company named NSO Group, was on the iPhones of some important journalists in India! This shows just how serious these cyberattacks can be, especially for people in important jobs.
By sending out these warnings, Apple is taking a big step to fight against these sneaky attacks. By letting users know what’s going on and giving them tips to stay safe, Apple is putting the power in users’ hands to protect their phones and their personal information. The details of this latest attack are still under wraps, but it shows the ongoing battle between tech companies and bad guys in the digital world. As these attacks get more clever, Apple’s focus on keeping users safe will be even more important in the future.