Mastering Sunset Photography with Your Smartphone

If you keep getting disappointed at your sunset photos because they don’t look as impressive as the actual event, then this guide to mastering sunset photography with your smartphone is for you.
Whether you’re a mobile photography enthusiast or simply find yourself at the right time and place without your camera, capturing amazing sunset photos with a smartphone is possible.
In this article, I’ll share some tips to improve your sunset photography. You can use these tips individually or combine them as a step-by-step guide.
Let’s jump right in.

Mastering Sunset Photography with Your Smartphone
Don’t let the moment get away – using these tips, you can take awe-inspiring sunset photos using just your smartphone.
Enable RAW
Sunsets are scenes with high contrasts, which makes it difficult to set the proper exposure. Smartphone sensors have significantly improved their resolution, but the dynamic range isn’t usually great.
If you shoot in RAW format, you’ll have more flexibility to recover details in highlights and shadows when you edit the photos.
iPhones have their native RAW format called Apple ProRAW, while Android phones usually require an app to capture RAW photos. In any case, you need to obtain a DNG file.
Find an Interesting Composition
Credit: Pixabay
You must find a strong focal point regardless of the app and settings.
Sunsets attract most people, and all of them have a smartphone at hand. The best way to make your photos unique is to choose an exciting subject and use composition rules to make it stand out.
Most camera apps have a grid overlay to help you compose your pictures using the rule of thirds. However, you can separate yourself from the crowd using more advanced rules such as golden triangles.
You can also apply composition tips such as creating planes of view or using juxtaposition to create visual depth.

Enable HDR
Credit: Bayram Yalcin
When you add a foreground element to a sunset composition, it will most likely be much darker than the sky. When you want to create a silhouette, this isn’t a problem. However, if you want to increase the dynamic range, you can use HDR mode.
Some apps allow you to take HDR photos in RAW format, giving you extra flexibility for your editing workflow.
Alternatively, you can use HDR instead of shooting in RAW, although I don’t recommend it. If you have to choose between the two, I’d suggest shooting in RAW and recovering the details during editing. This approach provides better results and more control over the outcome.
If you have a tripod, you can shoot the same scene with different exposures in RAW format. Then, you can create an HDR image from the RAW files during post-processing.
Adjust the Exposure
Regardless of the camera app you’re using or the format of your photo, it’s essential to control the exposure rather than just taking the picture.
Tap and hold on to the main subject in your picture to set the focus point and first exposure – this is called AE/AF lock. Then, swipe down to lower the exposure to get more vibrant colors in the sky.
Alternatively, you can use a camera app to set the ISO and shutter speed manually.

Don’t Forget To Edit

Editing your sunset smartphone pictures is extremely important to make them look their best. Ideally, use an editing app that allows selective edits (masking) to edit the sky and the foreground separately.

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Tools like the Tone Curve will help you edit the highlights and shadows in detail. If this isn’t your strength, you can always use the sliders to adjust Highlights, Shadows, Whites, and Blacks.
Increasing the Vibrance and Saturation is also useful to achieve more vivid colors.
If you want to get more creative, you can change the Temperature and Tone, or you can even do Color Grading to adjust the colors of each tonal range separately.
You can also apply presets and filters if you want to add creative effects with minimal editing.
Get Creative
Credit: Rakicevic Nenad
Once you’ve mastered the technique, you should work on creativity.
Some of the most classic sunset photos are silhouettes. Try finding new forms using uncommon objects or experimenting with poses to create fun shapes.

Credit: Hatice Baran
Another idea is to frame the sun with something – you can use your hands, a ring, or a photo frame. You can also use natural elements such as tree branches as frames.
Credit: 8 moments
You can also use reflections to create unique sunset pictures. While using bodies of water is the most popular method, you can also experiment with mirrors – like pocket mirrors or car rearview mirrors – metallic surfaces, and other reflective objects.
Credit: Ana Ribeiro
Using a lensball is also a fun way to capture sunsets with your smartphone.
Credit: Daniel Eliashevsky
Also, remember that sunsets may be beautiful in the city as well. You don’t need an unobstructed view of the sun setting to be able to capture the beauty of its colors.

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